Blue Harbinger Weekly

7 Top BDCs: High Income, Only The Strong Will Thrive

Business Development Companies (“BDCs”) can be an important part of an income-focused investment portfolio. And the latest market nosedive gives investors another attractive bite at the BDC apple. However, not all BDCs are created equally. Specifically, some will thrive in the current environment, while others will struggle mightily. This article provides an overview of the current BDC landscape, explains why some are in much better shape than others, and then shares 7 top high-income BDCs that we believe are worth considering for investment, especially after yesterday's big market sell off.

Where Are the Best Opportunities Now? (Holdings and Performance Review)

In case you’ve been living under a rock, the market has been volatile this year, and income investments have performed extraordinarily poorly. To some, this is an exciting opportunity to look for undervalued gems to add to your portfolio (and we’ll share a variety of attractive opportunities in this report). But it’s also a good time to consider the dramatic ongoing changes to the way businesses operate, and to take a long hard look at where you’re going to invest your nest egg to generate the best income to support your needs going forward.

Forget FAANG: Top 12 Big Dividends

Some investors cannot handle the volatility and lack of income from FAANG stocks, and the Fed's near-zero interest rate policy creates challenges to income-focused investors too. Popular growth stocks are near all-time highs, while value and dividend stocks are down significantly. This report shares our Top 12 big dividends, selected from REITs, BDCs and Preferred Stocks.

Where Are The Best Opportunities Now? (Holdings and Performance Review)

If you are not exhausted from recent stock market swings—congratulations! You either have nerves of steel or you’ve been wisely “Rip-Van-Winkling” the sensationalist media pundits as a sage long-term investor should. As you can see in the chart—the market has been very volatile this year. This report highlights some of the best investment opportunities now. We also review our current holdings and recent portfolio performance.

3 New Trades: New “Top Buys” Category Added to Portfolio Tracker Tool

We don’t trade often, however we’ve just placed three (3) new trades in our Blue Harbinger portfolios. We’ve also updated our Portfolio Tracker Tool to reflect a new “Buy Under” category called “Top Buys.” Both of these updates are based on current market conditions, and both are designed to help you manage your own investments. This report reviews the updates, including the trades and the current “Top Buys” within our existing portfolio holdings.

Helicopter Fed: Top 10 mREITs and Bond CEFs (Huge Yields, Discounted Prices)

This article shares our Top 10 compelling mREITs and Bond CEFs. They trade at significant discounts to their book values and are being supported, to varying degrees, by the actions of the US Fed. The Fed is pumping an unlimited amount of liquidity into the system by buying the types of bonds these compelling mREITs and CEFs own.

Stay Safe: Hold Your Nose and Buy

The coronavirus is impacting everyone’s lives far beyond just the stock market (which has been ugly). And we hope that everyone is staying safe in this new “social distancing” reality. As for the stock market, if you’ve had your investment portfolio strategy in place before this mess, then stick to it. Disciplined long-term investing has been a winning strategy throughout history, and it will this time too. If you have been sitting on extra cash that you’ve been meaning to invest—hold your nose and buy.

Buy Low: Top 10 Big-Dividend REITs, On Sale

The market has been ugly. But as they say, this too shall pass. And when it does, the most attractive buying opportunities will be gone. No one knows the exact timing of when the turmoil will end, but there are currently a lot of REITs trading at compelling prices (there is enormous fear baked in) and offering unusually attractive big dividend yields. And it’s those big dividends that can give you the steady income you need while you wait patiently for the long-term price gains to come to you. This report counts down our top 10 big-dividend REITs.

Market Volatility: Avoid Unforced Errors

The market has been volatile. For example, the extreme daily up-and-down moves for the Dow are shown in the following chart. And that is a 30-stock index! Individual stocks, such as Ventas (VTR), New Residential (NRZ) and most energy names, have experienced daily moves even more extreme. The three main causes of the volatility are (1) The Coronavirus, (2) Plummeting Oil Prices, and (3) A market that was richly valued and looking for an excuse to pull back. And pull back it did. The main point of this message is to remind readers to…

3 Horrible Market Mistakes (To Avoid During A Volatile Market)

As the market continues to be volatile, we’re taking a moment to share some investing and trading advice that seems particularly relevant right now. You can always check out our current holdings and ratings here, and we’ll have more individual stock write-ups soon, but this article is about 3 horrible trading mistakes that many investors unfortunately make at times like this (i.e. when the market is very volatile).

Don’t Panic: 4 Strong Buys (Monthly Performance Update)

The market just got pummeled, and there could be significantly more short-term pain ahead. However, long-term, this market is eventually going higher (the US and global economies are just too resilient). And there are some tremendous buying opportunities, right now. This is our monthly performance update, whereby we share updated performance for each of our investment strategies (they’re all still beating their benchmarks handily, and delivering strong income, despite the recent sell off). We also share 4 strong buying opportunities presented by the market (it’s like Christmas to those with cash).

The Market Just Puked: Top 10 Big Dividends On Sale

Just last week, the S&P 500 was trading at 19 times forward earnings, its highest level since 2002. And considering the bull market began almost 11 years ago, it seemed plausible we were due for a pull back (i.e. the usual drumbeat of fear mongering media pundits was increasingly sounding credible). It was as if the market was looking for a reason to sell off, and it seems to have found it in the growing coronavirus concerns (for example, Microsoft just warned it will miss guidance because of coronavirus impacts). And as you can see in the following chart, the sell off has been ugly.

Top 10 Big-Dividend Energy Stocks (6% to 14% Yields)

There are two big reasons energy stocks are down, and they are both creating some very attractive big-dividend investment opportunities. First, new technologies (such as hydraulic fracturing) have increased supply, and brought energy prices sharply lower in the past half-decade. And second, the massive wave of so-called “sustainable” and “ESG” investors (ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance) have put truly massive selling pressure on “fossil fuel” stocks. However interestingly, as ultra-billionaire Bill Gates recently

The Market Will Crash (Eventually): Are You Ready?

Risk Creep is when the market has performed very well for an extended period of time, and you start getting over confident and taking on too much risk that is not consistent with your investment goals. Since the depths of the financial crisis in early 2009, the market has not gone straight up, but it’s been pretty close, and it’s been powerful. This market will eventually come crashing down. Are you ready? Here’s what you can do to prepare…

Portfolio Rebalance: 3 Sales, 10 New Buys, Updated Tracker Tool

We don’t do it often, but we did on Friday. We’ve rebalanced our portfolio to bring the allocations back on target. And in the process, we’ve sold 3 positions and added 10 new ones. Again, we don’t do it often, and the 10 new buys are securities we’ve written about recently. This report details the rebalance, and we share our updated real-time Portfolio Tracker tool, including new risk monitoring and several new real-time watch lists for REITs, BDCs, Energy Stocks, and more big dividend opportunities.

Are You Ready for Election-Year Fearmongering, Volatility?

If it’s not painfully obvious yet, it will be soon—2020 is an election year, so get ready to be inundated with political ads, media fearmongering and probably a lot more market volatility, particularly in some areas of the market more than others. So what can an investor do to prepare? Two things in particular stand out…

Another Successful Year In The Books, Introducing "Buy Under" Prices

2019 was another successful year. Our “Income via Growth” strategy finished the year up 51.6%, “Income Equity” added over 28% (and yields 5.9%), and our “Alternative Fixed Income” strategy currently yields an impressive 7.5% (with relatively very low risk). We’re also kicking off 2020 by adding a “Buy Under” price for every position in every portfolio to help readers monitor positions more closely and more easily.