40 Big-Dividend Mortgage REITs: Terrible YTD as Spreads Widen, Rates Rise, Fed Unwinds, Housing Risks

In theory, Mortgage REITs (or mREITs) do well when interest rates rise, but so far this year they have done poorly because MBS spreads have risen sharply (an indication of risk). Here is a look at 40 big-dividend mREITs, plus some insights on what is happening to their share prices (mainly courtesy of the Fed’s balance sheet), and then a few mREIT investment ideas worth considering.

Helicopter Fed: Top 10 mREITs and Bond CEFs (Huge Yields, Discounted Prices)

This article shares our Top 10 compelling mREITs and Bond CEFs. They trade at significant discounts to their book values and are being supported, to varying degrees, by the actions of the US Fed. The Fed is pumping an unlimited amount of liquidity into the system by buying the types of bonds these compelling mREITs and CEFs own.