STAG's 4.4% Yield: 3 Big Risks Drive Price Lower

If you are an income-focused investor, you probably like investing in REITs for their often big, steady, dividend payments. However, you may have noticed that following years of strong outperformance, the industrial REIT sector (including monthly-dividend payor, STAG Industrial (STAG)) has recently sold off hard. This report reviews STAG’s business, including information on the 3 big risk factors contributing to its relatively lower valuation multiple—as compared to industry peers (especially following the recent big Industrial REIT sector sell off), and then concludes with our opinion on investing.

3.8% Yield Industrial REIT, Worth Considering

Aside from backward looking financial metrics (which are good for this particular REIT), forward guidance is also attractive, and so too is the industry outlook attractive. Further, the balance sheet is strong for this monthly-dividend payer, and the valuation is reasonable (especially after the recent indiscriminate market declines). The dividend is well covered, and the company is getting ahead of the industry-trend towards environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) considerations. In this report, we review the business and conclude with our opinion on who might want to invest.

50+ Big-Dividend "MOPAY" Stocks: These 3 Are Worth Considering

“Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It’s to see my dividends coming in.” - John D. Rockefeller

That quote takes on special meaning for income-focused investors today as many of the world’s most popular stocks don’t even pay dividends (and many don’t even have positive net income). On the flip side, big steady dividend income is hard to find, but very special—especially when those big dividends are paid monthly (MOPAY). In this report, we share data on 50+ big-dividend MOPAY stocks, and then highlight three in particular that are uniquely attractive and worth considering.

Safe, Stable, 4.7% Yield REIT, Attractive Sub-Industry

In recent quarters, while real estate sub sectors such as office and retail have struggled as a result of the pandemic, selective industrial REITs have emerged as outperformers primarily because of the growth in e-commerce. For example, the specific industrial REIT we review in this article has consistently expanded its asset base since its IPO in 2011 and is well placed to grow in the years ahead (through planned acquisitions and rental accretions). It also offers a 4.7% dividend yield, paid monthly. In this report, we analyze the company’s income profile, growth as well as dividend prospects and finally conclude with our opinion on investing.

Big Monthly Dividend REIT: High E-Commerce Exposure Reduces Coronavirus Risks

This single tenant focused industrial REIT offers healthy monthly dividend payments (8.0% yield) and the potential for significant price appreciation. We believe it will benefit from the current uncertainty amid the coronavirus outbreak given its high exposure to the e-commerce sector. The trend for online shopping is a secular one but has become more prominent currently as people are forced to stay at home. We do caution that the current situation will impact the business but given its diversified portfolio and high exposure to e-commerce we expect healthy price appreciation once the situation returns to normalcy. This article reviews the health of the business, valuation, risks, dividend safety, and concludes with our opinion about why it’s worth considering if you are a long-term income-focused investor.

STAG Options Trade: Fear-Driven Sell-Off, High Income Opportunity

As we recently wrote about in detail here, Stag Industrial (STAG) pays big monthly dividends (5.1% yield) and it has “more octane” than other REITs. The “octane” generally makes Stag shares go up more when the market is strong, healthy and calm, but down more (compared to other REITs) when the market sells off. And the market sold-off hard on Friday, and Stag’s shares were down a large 4.75%, thereby creating this very attractive high-income-generating options trade opportunity.

Market Too Hot? Top 10 Big Dividend REITs Worth Considering

With the S&P 500 recently hitting new all time highs, some investors fear we are overheating. One way to take a little risk off the table is by investing in attractive big-dividend REITs, which tend to rise and fall less with the overall market, but keep paying those big dividends throughout if you select them right. Despite, some analysts arguments that even REITs are overheating, many of them remain a much safer bet (with much higher income) compared to the overall market. This article addresses REIT valuation concerns, as well as overall market concerns in light of the Fed’s changing interest rate posture and where we seem to be (very late) in the current economic cycle. We conclude with our Top 10 Big-Dividend REITs worth considering.

Simon Property: 5 Popular High Yield REITs, Due For A Pullback

As the market has climbed dramatically this year, so too have many popular high yield REITs, such as SPG, O, WELL, VTR, OHI, STAG and WPC. And despite the Fed’s recently decreased interest rate hawkishness, it is still concerning to see these popular “safe haven” REITs did NOT fall nearly as hard as the rest of the market during Q4 and their share prices & valuations are now unusually high. When sentiment changes, these popular REITS are due for a pullback, perhaps a big one. This article reviews valuations and concludes with our opinions.

Top 10 Big-Dividend REITs: The Mass Exodus Continues

High-yield REITs continue to sell-off as investors exit in droves. This article highlights performance (and more data) on over 100 high-yield REITs that have sold off significantly. We then explain why REITs have sold off, and provide our views on why some REITs are starting to look increasingly attractive. We conclude with details on 10 specific high-yield REITs that are increasingly attractive and worth considering.

100 High-Yield Stocks Down Big Last Week: These 10 Are Worth Considering

Market fear spiked on Friday (the VIX was up 28.5%), and the Dow Jones experienced its biggest weekly decline in over 2 years (-4.1%). Interestingly, many higher yielding stocks also sold off significantly, and this article highlights ten that we believe are attractive and worth considering, especially following the selloff.

A Booming REIT with Room to Run, But Watch It Closely

Sticking with our market cycle / booming economy theme, this week's investment idea covers an attractive REIT with an above average dividend yield that continues to have legs. And while we believe this opportunity has more upside, it'll eventually slow when the market cycle slows. So to those of you who choose to ride this one higher--keep an eye on it because when the market cycle does eventually turn...