SCHD Part 2: Easy Alpha

In part one of this report, we explained why the Schwab US Dividend Equity ETF (SCHD) is for winners (including its growing dividend, low volatility and more). In this part two, we explain how SCHD can easily add big alpha to investor returns (in four very specific ways). In the conclusion of this report, we explain why many “SCHD haters” are usually barking up the wrong tree (they’re typically earning no alpha anyway) as well as our strong opinion on who should consider investing.

SCHD: Built for Winners

If you are looking to hit it big—move on, this article is not for you. If you are looking for healthy returns, healthy dividend income and healthy diversification (especially as certain mega cap growth stocks may seem precipitously overvalued), keep reading, this article might be for you (especially if you also like low fees, low volatility and tow taxes). In fact, all of these things, and more, combine to make the Schwab US Dividend Equity ETF (SCHD) a compelling opportunity for “emotionally intelligent” investors. And after reviewing the fund in detail (including the risks), we conclude with our strong opinion on investing.

Distribution Quality Scores: 10 Top Big-Yields, Ranked

One of the greatest concepts ever is retiring and simply living off the dividends. No work, no tasks, just big steady distributions rolling in like clockwork (for you to spend and live life however you please). The problem with this, of course, is that many investors end up chasing after the biggest yield opportunities without properly considering the quality of those yields. In this report, we introduce our “Big-Yield Quality Scores,” ranking 10 very popular big yields, including PDI, JEPI, SCHD, USA, ARCC, AGNC and more.

SCHD: 100 Top-Dividend Growth Stocks, These 3 Worth Considering

Dividend growth stocks are particularly compelling in the current market environment because many of them have ample financial wherewithal to easily survive the Fed’s recent sharp interest rates hikes (whereas a lot of volatile pure-growth stocks do not). In this report, we explain the construction methodology behind the popular 100-stock Charles Schwab US Dividend ETF (SCHD), including data on all 100 stocks in that fund. Then we review three specific stocks from SCHD that are particularly attractive. We conclude with a critically important takeaway about the attractiveness (and risks) of investing in specific dividend-growth stocks in the current market environment.