10 Things Emotionally Intelligent Investors Don't Do

For better or worse, emotions can have a big impact on investment decisions. In this update, we share ten (10) things emotionallly intelligent investors don’t do.


1.  They Don’t Sell Based on Fear

  • (Especially When the Market is Down)

2.  They Don’t Buy Based on Greed

  • (Especially When the Market is Up)

3.  They Don’t Overestimate their Expertise

  • (Kid Icarus melted his wings)

4.  They Don’t Dwell on Past Performance

  • (Markets are Dynamic)

5.  They Don’t Try to Get Rich Quick

  • (The Tortoise beats the Hare).

6.  They Don’t Undervalue Their Time

  • (You can’t get it back)

7.  They Don’t Overpay for Hype

  • (The emperor had no clothes)

8.  They Don’t Drink Social Media Kool-Aid

  • (Influencers are Powerful)

9.  They Don’t Ignore Uncle Sam

  • (So many Tax Benefits Exist)

10.  They Don’t Lose Sight of Their Goals

  • (Everything Else is a Distraction)

The Bottom Line:

It’s important to keep your emotions in check. It can help you avoid mistakes and achieve better results. Disciplined, goal-focused, long-term investing continues to be a winning strategy.

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