There's a great quote in yesterday's Wall Street Journal about not letting your financial advisor overcomplicate investing just so he can take more of your money. The quote comes from a financial advisor (of course) named Allan S. Roth:
"Building a diversified portfolio can be done simply with a handful of low-cost index funds and the occasional rebalancing. But clients might ask why they are paying such a hefty fee, perhaps 1% of assets, for something so simple they could do themselves. (That’s indeed a question the client should ask.) So creating complexity where none needs to exist and changing the portfolio is something advisers have the incentive to do, though it typically isn’t good for the client." Source: Wall Street Journal
Exactly Allan S. Roth. Why pay an advisor thousands of dollars each year to do something you can easily do on your own? We particularly like that you mention it can be done with a handful of low-cost index funds. In fact, we've already taken the initiative to identify such low cost index funds in our "Lazy Person Portfolio" which can be accessed via Blue Harbinger Stocks.
Most importantly, thank you Allan S. Roth of Wealth Logic for being transparent and for helping people understand how to be smarter with their money.