Options Trade

New Options Trade: Very High Upfront Income, Bullish Vertical Put Spread (The Cloud-Tech Sell-Off Continues)

Cloud and technology stocks are selling off hard again this morning, and a lot of investors are fearing there is a lot more selling to come. After all, it is cloud and tech stocks that have rallied so hard this year as their natural “social distancing” qualities have made them the beneficiaries of the dramatic pandemic rebound that has been going on for months.

However, the sell off has been indiscriminate (among cloud and tech), and some very attractive businesses are getting closer to trading at very attractive prices. In this report, we review an attractive cloud-tech juggernaut, and share an attractive options trade that utilizes a “bullish vertical put spread” (not as scary as it sounds). The trade lets you generate attractive upfront income, giving you the chance to pick up shares of this attractive business at an even lower price, while also limiting your downside risk (and limiting the amount of cash you need to set aside to secure the trade as compared to simply selling a naked put option). We believe this is a very attractive trade to place today, and potentially over the next few trading sessions.