Blue Harbinger Weekly

Despite Inflation Gloom, Oil Price Doom, 2 Interesting Stocks Worth Considering

The market is down this year and people are scared. And compounding the financial pain is the extreme psychological pain driven by fear-mongering media narratives. As an investor, you should recognize (1) The media doesn’t care about you (they just spew ridiculous emotional narratives in order to capture more eyeballs so they can get more advertising dollars), and (2) Disciplined, long-term, goal-focused investing is a winning strategy (forget the soup de jour—know your goals, stick to your long-term plan). In this report, we briefly review the current “terrifying” market conditions, and we also share 2 stock ideas that we believe are particularly attractive right now (depending of course on your own personal goals and situation). We have a special focus on DocuSign, so let’s start with that.