New Options Trade: High Upfront Income, Attractive Business

The company we review in this report provides value-based care exclusively to Medicare eligible patients, and it is improving outcomes and reducing costs. The business is attractive as a long-term investment, however it is setting up nicely for a high-income-generating options trade. We believe the trade described in this report is an attractive one to place today and potentially over the next few trading sessions, as long as the underlying share price doesn’t move too dramatically before then.

New Options Trade: Very High Upfront Income, Value-Based Healthcare

This recently public company (August 2020) is on a tremendous growth trajectory (very high growth rate) as it delivers its highly differentiated, technology-enabled, value-based care model for Medicare. The shares are worth considering for purchasing outright, however this report highlights a particularly attractive income-generating options trade. Specifically, the trade puts compelling upfront income in your pocket (that you get to keep no matter what) and it gives you a shot at picking up the shares at an even lower price. We believe this is an attractive trade to place today (and potentially over the next few trading sessions) as long as the price doesn’t move too dramatically ahead of the company’s earnings announcement expected on March 8th.

Powerful Growth Trajectory: This New Value-Based Health-Care Model Company

This recently public company (August 2020) is on a tremendous growth trajectory as it delivers a highly differentiated, technology-enabled, value-based care model for Medicare. The continuing growth opportunities stem from the rapid shift of patients to value-based care and increasing patient consumerism. This report reviews the business, its growth prospects, valuation and risks, and then concludes with our opinion about investing.