New Options Trade: Very High Upfront Income, Big Sell-Off Creates Opportunity

Highly encouraging Covid-19 vaccine news was released on Monday, and the market reacted in dramatic fashion. For example, popular brick-and-mortar REITs that had been beaten down by the virus (such as SPG and WELL) gained (+27% and +21%, respectively), while social distancing tech stocks (such as ZM and DOCU) lost (-17% and -15%, respectively). However, some names have continued to sell off when they should not have, and we highlight one in particular in this report for an attractive income-generating options trade opportunity. We already own some shares of this name (we purchased them recently), but if you don’t own it (or you wouldn’t mind picking up more shares), you may want to consider this trade opportunity because it generates very high upfront premium income for you to keep, and it gives you a shot at owning shares of this attractive business at an even lower price.

Why This Fast Grower Fell 28%, And What Comes Next

During afterhours on Wednesday, shares of this fast growing company fell dramatically as it released preliminary third quarter revenue numbers that were below expectations. This particular business provides an “edge cloud platform” designed for the “modern internet” thereby allowing digital applications to process quickly, reliably and safely—on the edge of the internet. This report reviews the business, its massive long-term growth opportunity, its newly revised rapid growth trajectory, valuation, risks, and concludes with our opinion on why the shares are worth considering.