As many of you may be aware, we recently launched a new Blue Harbinger service on Seeking Alpha called The Value and Income Forum. This services follows many of the same value and income investing themes included on, but the new service also delves deeper into more advanced-strategies that utilize high-yield debt, alternative fixed-income, and income-focused options trades (in addition to high-dividend equities). The objective of the service is to help investors identify exceptional high-income value opportunities, and to give them a forum to discuss those opportunities with other skilled investors.
As a sign of appreciation to our existing members, we are sharing the specific holdings within the new service with our existing Blue Harbinger members. As you’ll see in the following table, our new service owns some of the same stocks as our existing Blue Harbinger services (i.e. Income Equity, Disciplined Growth, and Smart Beta), but also includes some new ideas as well.
Specifically, the new service on Seeking Alpha (The Value and Income Forum) includes a new investment portfolio that we just launched about two weeks ago. The portfolio is called the Blue Harbinger “Concentrated Value and Income” portfolio, and its holdings are listed in the table above.
Members of The Value and Income Forum can access additional research and reports on each of the holdings in that portfolio, however we plan to continue sharing some of that research on Blue Harbinger (for example, this week’s Blue Harbinger members-only investment idea is about Ferrellgas bonds--a position we own in the Seeking Alpha service). If you’d like to access all of the reports in the new Seeking Alpha service, please consider becoming a member of The Value and Income Forum. In addition to the additional reports, that service provides a growing a forum where skilled investors can share investment ides with each other via its exclusive members-only chat room, exclusive article comments, and private member-to-member messaging capabilities. Very importantly, please keep in mind, it will be "business as usual" at as we continue to work very hard to bring truly exceptional investment ideas to your attention.
Finally, and on a totally separate note, you will noticed we updated the performance charts through the end of the first quarter of 2017 (March 31st) for all three of our existing Blue Harbinger strategies (i.e. Income Equity, Disciplined Growth, and Smart Beta). And we are excited to share that all three strategies outperformed the S&P 500 again in March, and all three strategies are continuing their long-term track records of healthy returns and market-beating performance!

Note: The holdings and performance for all three Blue Harbinger strategies (Income Equity, Disciplined Growth and Smart Beta) can be accessed here.