Tax-Free Muni CEFs: Market Update & Opportunities

This is a guest article from Yield Hunting. The article highlights some top muni closed-end-funds (“CEFs”). If you don’t know, you invest in muni CEFs to generate steady streams of tax-free income and compound it year after year. The non-quantitative benefit of muni CEFs are that natural downside hedge they can offer, especially on the high quality funds (non-high yield).

Attractive 8.2% Yield: Discounted Price, Less Interest Rate Risk, Compelling Sector Tilts

If you like monthly income, then this attractive CEF is worth considering for a variety of reasons (e.g. discounted price, lower interest rate risk, attractive sector tilts, management, and more). However, there are also risks that should be considered (i.e. the focus on income over price appreciation, credit spreads, distribution coverage, and more). This article reviews the attractive qualities and risks, then draws some conclusions about who might want to consider this attractive high-yielder.