To help you manage your own investments, paid subscribers get access to 100% of my members-only content, including investment idea reports, idea tracker tools and top idea portfolios. Use the arrows above to scroll through Frequently Asked Questions.
Will you overwhelm me with content?
Will you overwhelm me with content?
No. Members typically receive a new investment idea report at least twice per week, and they can use my idea tracker tool to follow the price of each idea in real time (along with a variety of other data, up to a 15-minute lag). My two top idea portfolios (Disciplined Growth and Income Equity) are updated monthly.
Why do you cover growth stocks and income stocks?
What is your performance track record?
What is your performance track record?
It’s not about me, it’s about you. The performance of my top idea portfolios is shared on this page. However, my intention is not for you to blindly follow these portfolios exactly, but rather to use them as one tool to help you manage your own investments (other tools include my investment idea reports and my idea tracking tool).
Why are there no ads on your website?
Do you offer free trials?
Do you offer a price discount for small investors?
Are you a day trader?
What is your investment philosophy?
What is your investment philosophy?
Disciplined, goal-focused, long-term investing is a winning strategy. Successful investing is just as much about avoiding psychological mistakes as it is about rigorously searching for and analyzing individual opportunities and then constructing a prudently-concentrated portfolio.
Do you share target weights for positions in your top idea portfolios?
Do you share target weights for positions in your top idea portfolios?
Yes. I share target weights, as well as “buy under” prices (that are updated monthly) and recommendations (such as “buy,” “strong buy,” “top buy,” “hold” and “review”) that are updated in real-time (up to a 15-minute lag) based on market prices.