The High Income NOW portfolio has been updated for September. The current yield is 9.7%. Here is a link to the portfolio, and here are the highlights:
Top 10 Growth Stocks (Attractive Entry Points)
A lot of top growth stocks have sold off hard over the last month, and a select few of them provide extremely attractive entry points right now. In this report we share data on over 100 top growth stocks, briefly review macroeconomic conditions, discuss several massively disruptive secular trends, and then count down our top 10 growth stock rankings. We believe the names on this list have dramatic upside potential in the quarters and years ahead. However, if you are not a growth stock investor, this report is absolutely not for you.
Top 10 Big Yields: CEFs, BDCs, REITs, MLPs
If you are an income-focused investor, there are a lot of opportunities and pitfalls, especially considering the current macroeconomic environment. In this report, we share data on over 100 big-yield opportunities (including CEFs, BDCs, REITs and MLPs), and then rank our top 10 big-yielders, counting down from #10 and finishing with our top ideas.
Top 10 Big-Yield CEFs, BDCs, Ranked
Income investors, focused primarily on generating big steady income, can still enjoy some price appreciation too. And now that interest rate volatility is decreasing, attractive high-income opportunities are increasingly emerging. In this report, we first share and discuss comparative data on over 100 big-yield closed-end funds (“CEFs”) and over 40 big-yield business development companies (“BDCs”), and then rank our top 10 favorites (with yields ranging from 6.0% to over 12.0%), starting with #10 and counting down to our very top ideas.
New Purchase: Disciplined Growth Portfolio Update
This is a quick note to let readers know we’ve added a new position to the Disciplined Growth Portfolio (it’s a business benefiting from two big secular trends: (1) The Great Cloud Migration and AI, and (2) Increasing Technology in the Automotive Industry). And we have also updated the Disciplined Growth Portfolio Tracker Sheet for July (there have been a few rebalances).
50 Top Growth Stocks: These 3 Worth Considering
Market fear has ticked up slightly over the last week as interest rate hikes are expected to resume and this could pour water on the red hot stock market rally so far this year, especially high-growth stocks. However, it’s our contention that this short-term noise won’t matter for select top growth stocks which will be driven higher by strong execution supported by incredible disruptive secular trends (including generative AI, the great cloud migration and the world’s insatiable desire for more efficient sources of energy). In this report, we share high-level data on the current state of the market, company-specific fundamental metrics on over 50 top growth stocks, and then review three specific stocks from the list that represent particular compelling businesses going forward.
More Gains For Stocks: Climbing a Wall of Worry
Stocks have posted strong gains over the past week, and are set to rise further (over the long-term) despite a wall of worry. The gains come on strong quarterly earnings results (from Artificial Intelligence stocks, in particular) and a resolution on the debt ceiling. There are so many great investment opportunities right now for patient and disciplined investors (both growth and income opportunities).
Top 20 Dividend Stocks, Ranked: Big Yields, Big Opportunities
In this report, we rank our top 20 dividend stocks. The rankings include a split between opportunities with very big yields (yields of 7.0% and up) and very attractive total returns (i.e. solid dividend payments plus significant price appreciation potential). We also highlight 7 dividend market themes that are critically important in the current environment (including: (1) BDCs > Banks, (2) Midstream Stocks > MLPs, (3) A Bird in Hand > Two in the Bush, (4) Falling Rates > Rising Rates, (5) Bond CEFs > Bonds, (6) Contrarian Income > Herd Income, and (7) Value vs Growth). Without further ado, let’s get into the themes and the rankings (starting with #20 and counting down to our top ideas).
Quick Note: 25 Top Revenue Growth Stocks
5 Contrarian Dividend Stocks Set to Climb
The market has been climbing a wall of worry this year and the economy is teetering on an ugly recession. The fact that the yield curve is steeply inverted (see chart below) has contributed to recent bank failures (Silicon Valley and First Republic), and more things in the economy are going to break. That said, the stock market tends to recover well before the recession is over. In this report, we share five attractive dividend stocks that are particularly compelling from a contrarian standpoint considering the share prices are down, the dividends remain strong, and we expect both (share prices and dividends) to get even significantly better over time.
100 Tempting Big Yields: These 4 Worth Considering
If you are an income-focused investor, there are many big-yield strategies to choose from. However, not all of them may be right for you. In this report, we share updated data on a wide variety of big-yield opportunities, including over 100 big-yield REITs, CEFs, BDCs and more. Then we highlight four names from the list that are particularly interesting and worth considering. Specifically, we highlight three tempting big-yield opportunities that we are currently avoiding, followed by one very attractive big-yielder that we currently own.
US Bancorp: 5.7% Yield, Shares Down Big
Among S&P 100 stocks (see table below), US Bancorp (USB) has one of the biggest dividend yields, but some of the worst year-to-date performance. Like most banks, USB shares sold off hard when the recent Silicon Valley Bank failure was announced, but unlike most banks—shares of USB have NOT subsequently rebounded. In this quick note, we review USB’s recent earnings announcement and the recent USB short-seller report (from HoldCo Asset Management). We conclude with our opinion on whether it’s time to buy US Bank or if it’s time to sell.
Owl Rock: 40 Big-Yield BDCs, Compared
With BDC earnings season set to kick off this week (starting with Ares Capital on Tuesday pre-market), we’ll also be watching Owl Rock closely (set to announce two weeks later). One key metric to watch will be book value as the economy heads towards recession and write-downs could start to more significantly detract from the benefits of rising interest rates. This quick note shares data on 40 big-yield BDC, and digs into Owl Rock in more detail.
100 Hated Stocks: These 4 Worth Considering
If you like to purchase top businesses when their stocks are out of favor with the market, you may find this report interesting. We share data on 100 hated stocks divided into four very different groups: (1) Top Growth Stocks, Down Big; (2) Dividend Growth Stocks, On Sale; (3) Pandemic-Era IPOs, Now; (4) Big Yield CEFs, Discounted Prices. We then select (and review) one particularly attractive opportunity from each of the four groups. We conclude with a critically important takeaway for investors to keep in mind.
April Portfolio Updates: New Trades, Rebalancing
We’ve updated the holdings and “buy under” prices for all three of our top idea portfolios for April, and all the details can be accessed using the links below. We do NOT trade often (we’re long-term investors), but we do have a small handful of trades to update you on. We believe the changes position the portfolios for more long-term success.
Bond CEFs: Prices, Premiums and Interest Rates
A quick note to share some updated data and commentary on a handful of popular big-yield bond CEFs from PIMCO and BlackRock. This note may be of particular interest to those following our High Income NOW portfolio. For starters, here is a look at the latest movement in premiums and discounts (versus NAV).
Two (2) New Buys: 1 Income Equity, 1 (More) Disciplined Growth
We do NOT buy or sell often, but this is just a quick update to let readers know we have made two more new purchases (the second and third new buys this week). One in our Income Equity Portfolio and now a second buy this week in our Disciplined Growth Portfolio. We’ll be completing our monthly portfolio tracker sheet updates shortly after April begins, but wanted to let readers know right away of these two additional new purchases.
100 High-Growth Stocks: Contrarian Interest Rising
It’s no secret growth got slaughtered (as the pandemic bubble burst), and TONS of Fed balance sheet unwinding remains (see chart), but rate hikes are slowing (ending?), and valuation multiples much lower on high growth stocks. Here is data on 100 top growth stocks with at least 20% revenue growth (this year and next).
Big-Dividends Report: 100 BDCs, REITs, Down Big
The Fed hiked rates, the FDIC continued to bail out depositors and select big-yield opportunities became decidedly more interesting. Specifically, many big-dividend REITs and BDCs are down big this year; and some of them are actually attractive. In this report, we share updated data on over 100 big-yield REITs and BDCs, and then conclude with information about our top 27 favorite big yielders, ranked.
Update: 40 Big-Yield BDCs, Silicon Valley Bank Warning
As mentioned in our previous note, BDCs are like banks, only riskier. Not only are BDCs facing increasing stress due to slowing economic growth and increasing interest rates (i.e. the tradeoff between higher floating rate interest payments received and higher default risk on loans), but some BDCs (such as those focused on venture capital) are dramatically over-exposed to fallout from the Silicon Valley Bank mess. In this note, we share updated data on 40 BDCs, and then dive deeper into 4 specific venture-capital-focused BDCs—and how we expect them to fare in light of the SVB mess—buyer beware!